After a short leak last week from NBA 2K18, real photos of the new Bucks “City” jersey have emerged and they are absolutely stunning.

This is the jersey we’ve been waiting for ever since the Bucks released their new colors during their rebrand. The cream and blue have shown up in small doses on apparel but finally make their grand debut on a jersey.

To begin with the base, the cream and green look spectacular. I love the number being below the deer logo, as it gives it more room to breathe, unlike the Fear the Deer black alternates where it’s in-between the antlers.

bucks ftd

The thin collar lets each horizontal stripe on the body pop even more. Including every team color, it doesn’t become crowded and doesn’t take up too much of the jersey front. The back is the simple name and number nothing more. The real question will be what they do with the shorts. I could see them using a variant of the horizontal stripes on the lower side of the shorts.

Final Verdict: With my Bucks fandom bias included, this is without a doubt my favorite Bucks jersey and closes out a uniform set that puts the Bucks at the top of the NBA.
Frame it. 

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